Red Velvet pt. 7

Jeff “The Righteous” Yazaki was a fortunate man… His ancestry line once herald from the most decorated of warriors, he was practically amongst the last of the member of a now defunct Kudō-Kai syndicate of the Yakuza. Signs of the times wore down the seemingly invincible armor that once adorned the shoulders of the mostContinue reading “Red Velvet pt. 7”

Love & Lost

“I hold it true, whate’er befall;I feel it, when I sorrow most;‘Tis better to have loved and lostThan never to have loved at all.”-Alfred Lord Tennyson Months ago, I was once told by a person of interest that she simply couldn’t go forward with dating anymore in general because she had gotten word from oneContinue reading “Love & Lost”

Red Velvet pt. 4

  The borders of the iridescent windows shimmered brighter as time progresses. Blackout curtains could only do so much.  It was morning time in the bustling city that never sleeps…  Nevaeh and Scott fell asleep about a half an hour ago. Sleep is so important to Nevaeh, so important that no expense was ever spared.Continue reading “Red Velvet pt. 4”


Gravity The one and only thing that never lets me down. Makes me see the clarity upon situations. Enduring the sheer weight of the world upon my shoulders, they can only handle so much. I may have fallen many times, but I have risen every single time. The more cumbersome the weight, the sweeter theContinue reading “Gravity”


Flowers lay at her feet,Sunshine basqued in her hair.The flow of nature goes hand in hand with time.Mother and father knows best…Her sigh has apprised the absolute truth.No lies within the cracks, just silver linings.She had been broken with such care..She celebrated with a dance in the passing winds, the directions have shifted; melancholy isContinue reading “Kintsugi”

Tears of Joy

Tears of joy… Can the trails of my tears surpass the deepened depths of my soul? Dug in deep into the soil of forgiveness. Propagate the growth of openness of trust again… They fall as they may into a downward spiral, of the ever churning waters. I’m left dry for I have no more sorrowContinue reading “Tears of Joy”

Gaza Revisited

Desperation“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”~Theodore Rosevelt. He was facing East, he was searching for all the answers; on his knees, uncomfortably on the jagged sharp edges of gigantic pieces of a once existed edifice. A desperate father cried out his children’s names towards the sound absorbing hardened dust, only greeted with the memoriesContinue reading “Gaza Revisited”

Be Patient

If you truly love somebody, give them their independence. And if they love you freely it’s because they choose to love you, and that’s real love.Codependency and control has nothing to do with love. It only feeds into the insecurities, satiates the ego; propagating an atmosphere equipped with eggshells, second guesses and guilt.The universe isn’tContinue reading “Be Patient”

The Cheetah & The Shadow

Your voice of whispers speak volumes that shook the foundations of my resolve… Dirty habits become pulverized to dust, like ashes from a once dormant volcano. It formed a circular perimeter around me like chalk around a crime scene… Perished particles draped over my shoulders; fabricating an opaque cape of smog shadows. Everything was cloakedContinue reading “The Cheetah & The Shadow”