Red Velvet pt. 7

Jeff “The Righteous” Yazaki was a fortunate man… His ancestry line once herald from the most decorated of warriors, he was practically amongst the last of the member of a now defunct Kudō-Kai syndicate of the Yakuza. Signs of the times wore down the seemingly invincible armor that once adorned the shoulders of the mostContinue reading “Red Velvet pt. 7”

Love & Lost

“I hold it true, whate’er befall;I feel it, when I sorrow most;‘Tis better to have loved and lostThan never to have loved at all.”-Alfred Lord Tennyson Months ago, I was once told by a person of interest that she simply couldn’t go forward with dating anymore in general because she had gotten word from oneContinue reading “Love & Lost”

Serein Revisited

Serein was her name. It was gifted to her by whispers of the autumn winds… The voices whistled through the rigid and sharpened exteriors of the evergreen trees… Their physical features could only hold secrets of life between the seasons, you must walk within the forrest to listen. What were the winds telling us? TheContinue reading “Serein Revisited”

I Surrender

I surrender… Like the sands of time equilibrate, succumbing to gravity.  Filling my head with intangible things.   Like memories. The kind that perpetuates creativity… Inspire me like daffodil petals separate and blown in the wind. Shhhh Autumn leaves steeped in the saturated ground, fresh from winter greeting the springs abound… The smell of rainContinue reading “I Surrender”

A Promise (Re-edited)

  I was 6 years old when I saved my mothers life that day…   It’s not how she cried out my name, it was “the way” she cried it out… It sounded like she had no other choice in that moment. It was enough for me to instantly drop my toys and scurry intoContinue reading “A Promise (Re-edited)”

Celtic Red Revisited

  Here they are…   In the flesh.   The boundaries between them had dissolved into finite particles, as they scattered into the vast cosmos…   After many weeks of distractions, their hectic and incompatible scheduling have placed them into positions of neglect of self-care. They virtually had lived separate lives as a result.  TheContinue reading “Celtic Red Revisited”

Red Velvet pt. 5

Scott casually walked past the bewildered security guard.  He gave him a salute with a little pep in his step, like Fred Astaire on a Broadway musical.   He opened the lobby doors, and the metropolitan atmosphere flooded his dormant senses with a cacophony of stimulations at once… including the smells of fresh bread from distantContinue reading “Red Velvet pt. 5”

Red Velvet pt. 4

  The borders of the iridescent windows shimmered brighter as time progresses. Blackout curtains could only do so much.  It was morning time in the bustling city that never sleeps…  Nevaeh and Scott fell asleep about a half an hour ago. Sleep is so important to Nevaeh, so important that no expense was ever spared.Continue reading “Red Velvet pt. 4”

Red Velvet pt. 3

  Nevaeh stepped out of the restaurant, and instantly took off her flip-flops… She looked out ahead onto the cityscape, closed her eyes and smiled. She focuses her senses onto the cold sidewalk, as she listens to the sounds of the surrounding metropolis. Smelling the industrial atmosphere… absorbing it all, right down to feeling theContinue reading “Red Velvet pt. 3”

Red Velvet pt. 2

  Like a cat, Nevaeh kicked off her flip-flops, hoisted herself onto the counter, and sat cross-legged in one movement. She did a glance at Scott, took a deep breath to compose herself. She then looked up with an uncharacteristic sinister grin.  She shifted and then looked at the other department chefs that are waiting.Continue reading “Red Velvet pt. 2”


I’m a visionary,My true calling is loneliness.I am content.I am wholeNot in need of wanting a better half for I am better than I’ve ever been.I’ve seen my true power.My children are me…My father was a writer, as so am I.I’ve earned that right, even though I am left handed.Can never quell my creativityFor IContinue reading “Visionary”

Red Velvet pt. 1

Red Velvet   Nevaeh.  Is a name of American origin, meaning ‘heaven’, spelt backwards… Despite the inadvertent wordplay of her name, she is figuratively living high in the ladder of success; enough to appear immune to the scathing heat of the fires and brimstones far below.    Her name…fitting…for she is taller than the averageContinue reading “Red Velvet pt. 1”

Anxiety poem

Hi … Anxiety Episode 👋🏾 Maraschino cherry brigade, toting cannons, the size of canyons, shooting binary bullets, turning sons to granddaughters, spreading unnecessary evil like propaganda and licorice strips across the hot pavement. We are unstoppable. The devil will grant you many wishes, but it comes with a price… I can think of many things,Continue reading “Anxiety poem”


Gravity The one and only thing that never lets me down. Makes me see the clarity upon situations. Enduring the sheer weight of the world upon my shoulders, they can only handle so much. I may have fallen many times, but I have risen every single time. The more cumbersome the weight, the sweeter theContinue reading “Gravity”

Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun ☀️ The sun shone invisible rays across the sky. Across the vastness of infinite darkness. Soon spanned throughout our bubble of reality… So fragile and so minute. A little escape from the rain. A moment of clarity inundated our senses. Our sun are in hues of yellow. It warms us, Comforts us, HealsContinue reading “Invisible Sun”


Flowers lay at her feet,Sunshine basqued in her hair.The flow of nature goes hand in hand with time.Mother and father knows best…Her sigh has apprised the absolute truth.No lies within the cracks, just silver linings.She had been broken with such care..She celebrated with a dance in the passing winds, the directions have shifted; melancholy isContinue reading “Kintsugi”

Dark Love

I will fall in love 5 years from now. Once limerence have weaned, that’s where true love begin.. Reality has settled like the most fertile of soils. A beautiful garden will rise again. She will be an idealization of my healed existence. Strongly independent, she does not need me, but she will want me. SheContinue reading “Dark Love”

Blue Dragon

Dragon flies, Fire fruit and Burning Incense Were strewn across the rustic table like morbid ornaments. Burning paper of embers evanesce into the air like the pages of the forbidden book of spells..Transparent glass like wings, divided by intricate veins and organic lines, reminding me that it once was a living creature.It had lived aContinue reading “Blue Dragon”

Tears of Joy

Tears of joy… Can the trails of my tears surpass the deepened depths of my soul? Dug in deep into the soil of forgiveness. Propagate the growth of openness of trust again… They fall as they may into a downward spiral, of the ever churning waters. I’m left dry for I have no more sorrowContinue reading “Tears of Joy”

Life Itself..

Serein has taught me a valuable lesson today about life. The very purpose of life is to simply enjoy the growth and progress resulting in care.It isn’t healthy to dwell on the question of “what went wrong?” or “What could’ve been done to change the outcome?” Truth is, life is about learning, growing, not repeatingContinue reading “Life Itself..”


Watercolors We see the same things Uncertainties abound Rains of crystals fall among us Our love story unabridged with only subtle callings for grace… I understood you without speaking Your lyrics are lovely.. As beautiful as the songs of the birds made from paper mache, from innocent children. As we sore into the heavens, weContinue reading “Watercolors”

Serein Evergreen

🌲 Serein is her name;it was given to her by the whispers of the autumn winds. The voices whistled through the exteriors of the evergreen trees… Only their stoic prominences could hold secrets of life between the seasons, in order to listen, you must walk within the forrest. What were the winds telling us? OnlyContinue reading “Serein Evergreen”

Gaza Revisited

Desperation“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”~Theodore Rosevelt. He was facing East, he was searching for all the answers; on his knees, uncomfortably on the jagged sharp edges of gigantic pieces of a once existed edifice. A desperate father cried out his children’s names towards the sound absorbing hardened dust, only greeted with the memoriesContinue reading “Gaza Revisited”

Self Reflection

I exist solely between two planes of glass. My imagery is impeccable as it shows your flaws and frailties… there’s cracks in the mirror. A direct reflection of all the things I wanted to be, all the beautiful things I wanted to see, and all the sensations I wanted to feel. I wanted to beContinue reading “Self Reflection”

Be Patient

If you truly love somebody, give them their independence. And if they love you freely it’s because they choose to love you, and that’s real love.Codependency and control has nothing to do with love. It only feeds into the insecurities, satiates the ego; propagating an atmosphere equipped with eggshells, second guesses and guilt.The universe isn’tContinue reading “Be Patient”

The Yearn

The yearn… I am accepting that when myNeeds and standards aren’t met, I will fade. I know this much to continue to do self care and invest in myself. The wane of my current situation is inevitable and I will be internally prompted to be drawn to elements that will be beneficial to me. FeedContinue reading “The Yearn”

Shedding Some Light

I see things differently over time.People, to me play a role as if scripted. As they provided me insight.My interactions vary, depending on my mood at the time.My mood has been numb for the past several months…Most times, I’ve uncharacteristically reacted the polar opposite of what people might expect of me.I don’t take life asContinue reading “Shedding Some Light”

Red Balloon Vol. 6

I was never pegged to be the possessive type, but that morning, you belonged to me… embrace euphoria, for it is inevitable. She stared at me with salacious eyes as she bit the bottom of her lip. As she were applying her makeup to get ready for the day, I gazed into her eyes asContinue reading “Red Balloon Vol. 6”

Watercolors 🎨

My facade, adorn by your flesh. Hues of brilliant colors bleeds across the canvas. Blends of spectral bliss. Gradients, laces with water invades the grains and fibers of pulped wood. 🌳 Your warm tones cradles my features as I spread your essence with my paint brush. You taste heavenly… Like strokes of a brush, theContinue reading “Watercolors 🎨”

Mr. Templeton pt. 2

The officers legs were kicking the air desperately searching for ground, which was roughly a foot or so below him. His hands clenching the monster’s arm to alleviate any painful pressure from his lymph nodes. “Look around you officer… look, LOOK…those aren’t raindrops around you,” said Mr. Templeton as he was staring up at himContinue reading “Mr. Templeton pt. 2”